Naturally, we've been eating them with abandon. On sandwiches, cut up on the side of lunch, and mashed up with salad and beans for burritoes.
Aside from avocadoes, other meals have been making my mouth happy lately. Like these Bombay Rock Potatoes and Chickpeas, deliciously spiced and coated in tomatoey sauce.
Other happy food is pretty much anything that can be on the table minutes after we think to make it, and that tastes good. Last week when I made steamed dumplings, we froze half before cooking them. So when we were feeling hungry but lazy a few days ago, we pulled them out of the freezer, steamed them up and filled up on the yummy spicy-sweet BBQ tofu filling.
Aside from food, the other things that make me happy lately include submitting papers to conferences and journals, finding a cute winter jacket for $8 from the second hand shop, and drinking herbal tea. Oh what? You're wondering why I need a winter jacket when I live in the tropics? Well, I'm going to Manchester, England in April for a conference. I'll also be getting to Conwy (Wales) and Liverpool--so if any of you have any good suggestions on where to find veg food in any of those places, please let me know.
Two things always make me happy... Andy and Nacho.
They're my happy food too. I love mashing them with cracked black pepper and a bit of lemon and having them on toast. Yum.
OMG, I'm so jealous of your steamed dumplings and Nacho!!!
All that happy food (and Nacho!!) makes me smile :-D
yum! Bombay Rock Potatos!
Nacho is such a photo bug! He shoulda been a model! That last photo is priceless.
And I don't know when avocado season is here...I guess we don't really have an avo season in the Southern US since they don't grow in these parts. :-(
Avocados are my happiest food too! When I open one up and it's perfect it makes me day, seriously!
I used to not like Shepherds because if you open them too early they are hard and watery but when they are ripe they are delicious! But I love Hass too :)
Also the dumplings look amazingly good and Nacho is a cutie!
Life's been a bit hectic and I'm catching up on some news from the North. I know you were under the weather a bit. Hope all the rain and cyclone threats have passed now.
Love the potatoe/chickpea dish and Nacho in the box looks sooooo cute.
We have moved house and Trouble now has a cat flap but is too scared to use it. So he continues meowing in front of the door for us to open the door for him. Silly bugger!
Mmmm we love avocado season too!
And yum. Those Bombay potatoes look awesomely good!
Awww Nacho is still so adorable (not that I thought she wouldn't be).
Oh man, Nacho is SO cute!
Yeah, avocado season is weird. It's finished here for now I think (but sometimes you really can't tell 'cause suddenly you'll find them really cheap somewhere a few weeks later).
Oh yeah, J and I were watching some of the Sound Relief concert on Youtube - totally awesome! I can't believe Chris Martin went running into the crowd like that!
Bazu from has been in Wales recently. She probably has some great suggestions.
ooh, have fun in England and Wales! you should show us your new jacket, too. and somehow make those steamed buns edible through the screen 'cause they look really really good!
Oh Yeh! Avocado on toast with lemon and pepper! All right! That's the best!
$2:50 for a bag ful!??
We pay that much a piece and they're never ripe! But at least we can get them!
I love Avocados! They must be my favorite fruit! Now I want some.
yes it was definitely difficult not to eat all the pie in one go!
i may or may not have had a slice of it for breakfast the next day...
you're making me crave avocados, and your kitty is so adorable in that last picture!
Avocados and mangoes are my two favorite foods! Nacho - can anyone get any cuter than that? Will be interested to hear about the conference.
avocadoes are so great! and i have to try making bao, they are so tasty.
Cookiemouse loves avocado.
Avocadoes make me happy, too. Aw, Nacho is just the cutest.
Avocados are one of my favorite foods on Earth!!! Can't wait to hear about your travels in England.
mangoes and avocados are definitely two of my happy foods! but avocados are still very expensive where i live :(
Oh my gosh, this makes me want to make dumplings!
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