I decided on a Mediterranean Vegetable Strudel. Basically I sauteed some eggplant, zucchini, and a tomato with balsamic vinegar and capers, and a few herbs. I let that simmer for a while for the flavours to meld together. Then, once it had cooled a little, I spread it onto some slightly ripped phyllo sheets which had been spread with olive oil and rolled it up. It wasn't the prettiest ever, but it was pretty yummy.
Served up with some roasted potatoes, a garden tomato and some kalamata olives, this made me feel like I was at a greek restaurant (so long as I ignored the shonky pastry work!).
that looks great. i have had some phyllo in the freezer for ages too. maybe ill try to make this or an apple strudel :)
I have to agree, phyllo (we call it filo pastry over here) hates me too. It was worth the work for your strudel though. Looks delicious :)
Phyllo and I have a love hate relationship. Or rather, it does - I alway slove it but sometimes it hates me!
The strudel looks delicious. :)
I think it looks great! I'll definitely try it.
I'm going to sound smug and say I don't get the "phyllo is hard" argument. It's not hard when you live in a humid environment. Don't YOU live in a humid environment? Mwahahahahahahaha....
That Mediterranean Vegetable Strudel looks awesome!
Amy, I know, it's a bit disgraceful. I guess I just don't have the finer motor skills required for the very delicate work! (And it's actually been quite dry lately up here, though it won't be long until we're under water again)
I reckon phyllo can be tricky to use if you've had half a pack in the freezer for ages - the problem I always got was that there was always a spot that would go soggy when it defrosted, stick itself together, and then rip all over the place!
Anyway, that looks really tasty to me... yumyumyum :)
Phyllo is totally hard work! This looks awesome though!
I've never used Phyllo or made a strudel but now I really want to!
Phyllo makes everything delicious! That looks awesome.
Phyllo is the best! This post reminds me I have some in my fridge that needs using. I love what you did with it! Yum!
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