
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Human Battery Cage

Yesterday the Human Batter Cage was in Townsville, so I brought some cookies and hopped in. I was in there for six hours, but we could get out to stretch our legs and go to the toilet. Aside from being a little cramped, the thing I noticed most was the wire on the bottom. I really feel for the chooks!

The public reaction was positive, for the most part. I even met another Townsville vegan. Of course there were a few jackasses, but that's to be expected. And I don't know how many people made jokes about us laying eggs. Most people agreed that battery cages are awful and said they only buy free-range eggs... Media coverage was pretty good, too. Win News came over, though I didn't get to see what the story was like since I don't have a TV. The Townsville Bulletin printed this story, and they 'interviewed' me for about 10 seconds to add the local flavah.

Basically it was a really fun day, and I got to hang out with some cool people, raise awareness about an important issue, and avoid working on my lit review for the day. I'm a little sore today, especially my tailbone from sitting on the wire, but I don't have time for pain--I'm moving house in 10 minutes!

**Update** I just found this article from the ABC Online. The text is based on an interview with Shane, the mastermind behind the Human Battery Cage. I think it's heaps better than the story from the Bully. Plus, there's more photos.

Two days on, my ass still hurts, and my back is bruised from leaning against the bars, but I've got it easy. I only spent six hours in there. The other five people in the cage with me have been going for up to 5 months. And, of course, the chooks are there for life.


  1. How awesome! I'm always happy to see positive vegan events. I wish they'd have more around here where I live. Kudos to you for participating.

  2. Hey there, I sat in the Battery Cage when it was in Perth in April and it was fun, but I agree about the wire! We got lots of comments about egg-laying too! GOod on you for participating and finding another vegan!

  3. That's so cool that you participated!

    I wish people would open their eyes to animal exploitation. If everyone would just stop eating eggs altogether...many times free-range chickens aren't treated any better, but I think that's great that you helped bring awareness through that event.

  4. That sounds like a really cool experience- I would do something like that to raise awareness in a minute. I'm afraid the American reaction might not be quite as sympathetic, though.

  5. vko--I agree. The free-range thing made me cringe when people said it, but it turned out to be a good thing--the activists touring with the cage explained that anyone can stick 'free range' on their eggs, and that giving up eggs altogether is the best choice, but if they refuse to do that then buying *certified* free range or organic is the key. Most people don't have a problem with profiting from animals, especially if they are treated well. I guess baby steps are better than no steps at all.

  6. This is such a great project to raise awareness. I sure hope it comes to the States one day.

  7. Wow, how incredible to be a part of that. i love that you did that. The cage is such a terrible invention of man... grrrrrrr... Hope yer arse is feelin' better.
