
Monday, September 01, 2008

Pinch and a punch...

It's not just the first day of the month...

It's also the first day of spring in Australia.

While I loathe the pollen and the sneezing that comes with it...
I am a big fan of warm weather and flowers.
Good riddance, winter!


  1. Hello, old chum! I just caught myself up on all your news and left a comment for you on my latest post... (-: I feel a little bit sad that you're enjoying spring and we're just starting the fall/winter seasons, but I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through you and enjoy your flowers from a distance. Hope all is well - cheers!

  2. Happy first day of spring for you!! Such gorgeous nature photographs. Hooray for no more winter! :0)

  3. How lovely - one of my best friends lives in Melbourne and this is his favorite time of year. It is still summer here in FLorida (as it always is) but I am looking forward to more temperate weather (and less rain) over the fall. The fall is my favorite time of year in Florida.

  4. Hear hear! Although I think Spring started early here last week and then promptly vanished for its official beginning!

  5. Happy Spring! What beautiful pictures-- definitely worth the bother of sneezing!

  6. I am so jealous. Spring is my favorite season. And winter is my most dreaded.

  7. Beautiful flowers!! Hope you're enjoying springtime down in the southern hemisphere :-)
