
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Before and After

Apologies for my absence of late. I've been a bit busy. At the end of September, Andy came home. With only four days between his homecoming and my trip for Brisbane, we avoided uni as much as possible and stayed home to canoodle instead. A few short days after I came home, Andy's parents got into town. They're here for about a week, and the last few days have been full of sight-seeing, eating, etc. I'm at uni today because I'd signed up to sit at two different market stalls--one for Reclaim the Night, the other for the local Animal Rights group. After the in-laws leave, I have to write a conference paper, but after that things should settle down again, at least for a bit. But enough excuses. How about some food?

To welcome Andy home (that's how far behind I am) before I went to Brisbane, I wanted to make Cherry Ripe Slice. But, my slice pan is lost in the vortex of a friend's messy kitchen, so I had to make a Cherry Ripe Pie instead. It came out really well again, though it was a bit too thick in the pie pan.

Somehow we managed to find the time before I left to go engagement ring shopping. We had planned on skipping that tradition, but after getting hit on a few times I decided it would be easier to have some bling on my finger. To celebrate choosing one (which is being resized still), we got a bottle of champagne.
I love Yellow Tail products. They are local, and vegan, and relatively cheap, and they taste pretty damn good. Combined with a few overripe strawberries, it's the perfect way to celebrate.
Then I went to Brisbane. You read about that in my last post.

When I came back, my plane went at dinner time and I was pretty hungry (though I did get a free pass into the Qantas Club thanks to my travelling companion. Alas, the food they have available isn't too vegan friendly). Luckily, Andy thought ahead and had warm Apple Enchiladas waiting for me. They were based on the recipe from Hot Damn and Hell Yeah, but with much less sugar than the recipe calls for. It's a good thing, too. They were super sweet as it was. Instead of the syrup-y topping from the recipe, Andy made a orange-chocolate glaze.
Soon I'll have time to catch up on everyone else's blogs... but it looks like I'll have a lot to catch up on! VeganMoFo posts are abundant this year!


  1. Wow you really have been busy! And just like last time, I'm coming over for some of that cherry ripe slice. YUM!

    Be sure to share pictures of your bling :D

  2. I'm sorry - you're engaged??? Congratulations to you and Andy!! That pie looks awesome, btw!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND ANDY!!!!!!! Tooooooo exciting :0)

  4. Hey busy bee - Andy's apple enchiladas look fabulous.

    P.S. Have you had time to watch that First Australians show on SBS? What are your thoughts?

  5. yeah, I was so pleased when I found out yellowtail was vegan, already enjoying it's cheap & good-taste qualities.

    and apple enchiladas?? keeper!

  6. I love champagne and strawberries. So incredibly good. Those aplle enchiladas look great too. I can practically smell the down homeness.

  7. Glad to have you back! Would love to hear about the Brisbane trip when we have time.

  8. Congrats again on the engagement! I love Yellowtail and didn;t even know they made champagne.

    I have GOT to make that Cherry Slice, be it a cake or pie. And oh my, those apple enchiladas amaze me.

  9. Oh my GAAAAA! If you can veganised a hedgehog slice ... I WILL LOVE YOU TO BITS!!!! It's my favourite dessert!!!

  10. I LOVE Yellow Tail! My fave is the Shiraz-Grenache...but I've never tried the Bubbles!

    And as usual, your cherry ripe slice looks soooooo tasty!

  11. no way, yellow tail makes sparkling wine?!

  12. Alas, the Yellowtail Sparkling wines are not vegan. This is according to the website. A shame. Only the reds are vegan.
