
Thursday, November 06, 2008

Can you believe it?

I was being very unproductive last week, so I banned myself from blogging--even reading other blogs--until I had completed a draft of my conference paper. I wrote the last sentence yesterday at lunchtime, but rather than blogging, it was time for election results to start coming in!

So I ran over to the uni club, where a big screen was set up with the local news (who was going back and forth between CNN and NBC coverage, with a little Aussie flavour thrown in every now and again). It was so cool to be surrounded by other Americans, Canadians, Australians, Jamaicans, Africans, and people from just about every corner of the globe. We all cheered every time a new state was announced for Obama. Then we sat in shock as Obama was announced president. We sat smugly as John McCain conceded defeat, and we shouted "Yes We Can" along with Barack Obama gave his deadly acceptance speech.

Up until now (well, yesterday) I refused to get my hopes up. To be honest, I didn't have enough faith in the American public to do the right thing. I would rather be cynical than crushed if Obama had lost. So when CNN showed footage of everyone screaming and cheering--no commentary, just excitement for about 2 minutes--I didn't quite know what to think. I pretty much couldn't believe it as I listened to Obama's speech. I really liked what he had to say. I am hopeful for America, and the world, for the next few years.

So now, paper done and Obama elected, I've finally got time to catch up on all your blogs, and then get down to posting some of the many photos I have sitting around on my camera! See you soon!


  1. I know! Like you, I didn't have faith that the American public would make the right call.

    I remember when I was living in London for the last election John Howard won. I went to bed thinking, when I wake up in the morning it'll be Labour, and the feeling of finding John still in power was gutting. Like, I was shocked. I thought the same thing was going to happen this time. So glad I was wrong.

  2. It's good to hear from you! You've been missed :D

    I too am Happy that Obama won. I've had a couple of friends from the US ask me who I'd vote for if I was a US citizen. I too think good things will come from his election.

    Can't wait to see all you have stored up for us!

  3. I feel the same about the election and Obama.

    Can't wait to see all the photos of the goodies you have been cooking and baking and eating. We have been living mainly off fresh salads and fresh fruit. I need some inspiration. :-)

  4. I feel hopeful for the first time in ages. Omniman and I were seriously going to leave the country if McCain won.

  5. I was a shock when he won and I don't think I was prepared for the emotional impact of Obama's victory (especially since I was in DC and the street party that ensued was INSANE!). It just made me realize how much I'd been beaten down by the Bush administration. I'm still on an Obama high!

  6. I knew he would win, and win big. Enough is enough. Finally the American people will have a government that doesn't hate them. It's awesome.

  7. here in mexico also the people are shock cuz of the election, but we are hopeful too, and I feel its a great step .

  8. Sadly, I was at a bar watching the coverage and NO ONE (besides myself and my friend) was even paying attention. I got a little buzz and even got into a little debate with a Republican guy who was there. I wish I had been at your party!

  9. I sat at my desk watching live footage and thinking "please, please, please, please" and then had goosebumps during his victory speech. Go Obama!

  10. It has been a most remarkable week, and one we'll tell our grandchildren about. Yes we can!
