
Thursday, February 19, 2009

12 months

I'm currently in the final 12 months of my PhD. The past two years have been relatively leisurely--field work, reading, a little bit of writing. It's been busy, but it's work that I enjoyed doing.

Now, it's crunch time. My supervisors want to see a completed draft of my whole thesis by July. I've written three chapters already (in really rough draft form) but I still have five or six to go. That's about 60,000 words in six months. This is on top of a conference I will be attending in April (in Manchester!!), and a journal paper I'm trying to publish.

So I'll try to post semi-regular, so I don't get too big a backlog of food photos. And I'll try to keep up on all of your blog posts, but I may not be as comment-y as I have been in the past. Wish me luck in finishing on time!


  1. Good luck Theresa! I'm sure you will finish on time!

  2. Good luck :) I hope everything goes well for you!

  3. You will obviously require lots and lots of sugary encouragment ... I hope the next 12months are filled with lots of yummy food to get you through! Best of luck xx

  4. Let me know if you need food parcels!!!! I know what fun thesis writing can be!

  5. Good luck with everything!

  6. Oh good luck! I'm sure you'll finish in time and do an excellent job.

  7. Good Luck Theresa! I remember the mad months before SVD finished his PhD - it's all go-go-go!

  8. Best of luck Theresa! You know we'll all be here waiting for you when it's over :)

  9. You're on the home stretch now! Do give us some details on your thesis topic when you are done. I for one am interested in hearing more.

  10. good. and may i also say, luck!

  11. You can do it!! I remember those last few months of writing my thesis were rough... but in the end you feel so relieved.

  12. I absolutely know you can do it! Some unsolicited advice - figure out the time of day that you're most productive and make sure you write at that time. It doesn't matter if it is your best stuff, just keep writing. If you can write some every day, you'll definitely get it done.
