
Monday, July 20, 2009

Pizza pizza

One of our favourite meals to eat all year round is pizza. It's relatively easy, it can be done with as few or as many toppings as we have on hand, and it's kind of fun.

Our go-to crust is from Vegan with a Vengeance, with the addition of a few tablespoons of gluten flour. Our toppings vary depending on what we have on hand. Andy prefers his pizza chockas with toppings and sauce...

This was an interesting, Mediterranean-style pizza. Topped with sauteed eggplant, roasted pumpkin, tomatoes and tofu fetta with a herb-filled tomato sauce.

Here is a BBQ pizza with sauteed mushrooms, seitan, tomatoes and a bit of diced avocado. Served alongside some tater tots and roasted corn on the cob, this was a very yummy meal indeed.

And finally, a lighter, Hawaiian-esque pizza topped with seitan, capsicum and pineapple.

They're all good, but our new favourite pizza side dish has quickly become this 'cheesy garlic bread'. Pizza dough spread with a mixture of olive oil, nutritional yeast and roasted garlic and baked until it's crunchy around the edges...

This is a morish snack that isn't particularly healthy, but at least it's got B vitamins!

What are your favourite pizza toppings?


  1. I love Dreena's Thai Chick-Un Pizza with peanut sauce, pineapple, red onions, bell peppers, sprouts, and chickpeas. mmmm

    the noochy bread looks good!

  2. We must be channelling the same food cravings. I made pizza tonight before reading your blog, though mine was the lazy variety on pita bread. I also made Mediterranean style and Hawaiian style. Our third variety was spinach and cheese.

    I love the VWAV pizza base. It's my go to home-made base as well. Does the extra gluten make it crispier and chewier?

    Your cheesy garlic bread looks fantastic. I need to try that!

  3. The cheezy bread does sound amazing!!! I'm gonna try that. And I love the roasted pumpkin, eggplant combo.

    Pizza and tots sounds like the best meal ever!

  4. Ooh, that all looks fantastic!
