
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Grumpy food

Yesterday, I came down with a severely grumpy attitude. That is fairly uncharacteristic of me--I tend to have a sunny disposition and try really hard to see the bright side of things, in a somewhat obnoxious way. Not yesterday. I could try to explain it away, excusing myself for being angry at the world. But instead, I'll just show you what I ate.

Along with a glass of wine, blueberry pancakes with vanilla So Good ice cream. Uh, yeah, that made me feel better.


  1. Can totally relate to days with a grumpy attitude - having a fair few of them of late! The pancakes look awesome and it's good to know they helped your mood.

  2. There's absolutely nothing wrong with treating the occasion grumps with pancakes! In fact, there's an awful lot RIGHT with this strategy. :-)

  3. pancakes are a pretty reliable cure for grumpy days...

  4. I'm liking your cure for the grumps. I may adopt it in the future! :)

  5. hahahaa, awesome. better than me though. i most likely would have had a giant slice of chocolate cake slathered in peanut butter. :)

  6. My grumpy pants come out of the wardrobe far more often than I like to admit!

    Mmmm that looks like an awesome treatment though!

  7. It's nice to see someone's facebook suggestion was put to use!

    Grumpy pants make you enjoy your happy pants even more. :)

  8. I'm impressed that you cooked anything at all in a grumpy mood. I tend to just eat processed rubbish for dinner which consists of pizza shapes and chocolate.

  9. Next time I get the grumps, I will totally be making some pancakes. They are excellent cheer up food. Hope you are feeling better!
