
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Mustard-glazed sausages

When Andy and I were in Cairns a few weeks ago we flipped on the tv one afternoon and watched Huey's Cooking Adventures. For those outside of Australia, Huey has a daytime cooking show which is fairly cringe-worthy. For instance, in the episode we watched he stuck a tea towel down his pants so that it was easy to access, and then later in the show used it to "clean up the plate", wiping up the drips of sauce for a neat presentation. He often makes little mistakes, but he's a likeable guy because of it.

Aside from providing a few laughs, one of the dishes that Huey made that day stuck in my head--Maple Mustard Glazed Sausages. I wanted to try it, but it hardly seemed worth paying $5 for storebought sausages, so instead I did something else I've been meaning to try: Julie Hasson-style sausages. I did a google search to find variations on the recipe that I thought we would like, and played around with the flavours a bit as well. My sausages were a combination of bulgur and gluten, flavoured with fennel seeds, cumin and mustard. They were really easy to do, but I felt very wasteful using all of that aluminium foil to steam them.

Once the sausages are cooked, the mustard glazing is really easy. This is what I did, altered from Huey's because we don't have any maple syrup:

1 onion, cut in half and thinly sliced
1 t. mustard seeds
2 T. vegetable oil
1 c. beef-flavoured or vegetable stock
3 T. brown sugar
1 t. molasses
1 T. American-style mustard (the plain yellow stuff)
6 veggie sausages

Cook the onions and mustards seeds in oil in a large skillet until they start to caramelise. Push them to one side and add the sausages, cooking until they are warmed through. Meanwhile, combine stock, sugar, molasses and mustard in a jug. When the sausages are ready, pour this liquid mixture into the pan and let this gently boil, stirring occasionally. It should take 5 to 7 minutes to get a nice thick glaze. Then serve!

We had ours with creamy dill potato salad, and some fresh tomato from the farmer's market. I was pretty impressed with the sausages themselves and the meal as a whole. Andy said the sausages were still not quite what he was expecting, but they are better than Sanitarium brand. A bit more tweaking is in order, but it's no wonder these sausages swept the blog world like a bushfire!


  1. I'll have to try those sausages...they sound yum. I've been eating a lot of sausages (it might seem weird but chopped on top of a salad is awesome) lately so I should really get around to making my own for once.

  2. I reckon I should have a shot at making my own too - thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I'm loving the idea of bulgur in the sausages! I can't wait till you post the recipe!!!

    They look delicious, especially with that sauce (and ahhh, yes, we have to love Huey's Habits :P)

  4. Oooooh tasty! I also love Huey, but I never get a chance to watch anymore...

  5. Looks freaking awesome. I am going to have to try this!

  6. Haha - Huey - I remember watching an episode where he basically just put some cold meats and salads on a plate, the most cooking involved was boiling an egg! Haven't watched his show in years...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! Loving vegan mofo - and the begining of spring!
