
Friday, February 26, 2010

Pastry fiend.

Last Thursday I presented my PhD exit seminar, which is a pre-completion requirement here at JCU.  It was well attended (one person even had to sit on the floor) and my committee gave me the 'Outstanding' tick.  I was pretty chuffed with myself, and felt that I deserved a day off.  And I wanted a decadent Friday morning breakfast.

So Thursday night I made some dough (following the recipe in The Joy of Vegan Baking) and rolled up some delicious cinnamon buns.  They chilled out in the fridge overnight and we ate them all warm and delicious on Friday morning.

Here's the thing: Andy doesn't love pastry for breakfast, and he doesn't love cinnamon rolls.  He finds them too dry and bread-y.  So to accommodate his penchant for super-flavourful foods (while ignoring his cries that pastries are for dessert!), I changed the recipe up a bit.  First, I used peanut butter instead of margarine for the filling.  And I added apples, because apples + peanut butter = a winning combination.  I also added raisins, because hey, why not?

And for the icing, I continued the PB-instead-of-margarine substitution for a yummy peanut butter drizzle.

The result was a flavourful breakfast roll that was not dry, not boring, and Andy even enjoyed.  Of course, he did doubt me before he tried them, so he utilised the pre-heated oven to make "Baked Aporridge-y" from La Dolce Vegan.  We don't have photos of this, but Andy's review is telling:

"Why would anyone wait 45 minutes just for shitty porridge?"  

Needless to say, we were unimpressed, but the buns more than made up for that!


  1. glad the buns made up for the lackluster slowww porridgey thing :)

  2. Nice - I love the idea of subbing in some peanut butter!

    Congrats on the successful exit seminar. :-)

  3. Congratulations on the exit seminar! And so wonderful to have it well attended :)

    I'm not really enamoured with cinnamon rolls either, but OMG you just created something that I would knock old ladies down in the street for. Particularly if I were able to taste it right now...

  4. First these rolls perfect! Secondly what a great idea to use peanut butter, especially for those peanut butter fans out there!

    Congrats on your exit seminar!!

  5. Oh my. PB and apples on a cinnamon bun. You are genius. Genius. I gotta try that!

  6. YUM! Those look fantastic! The PB sounds incredible.

  7. Wow, those look sooo yummy!!! Congrats on the exit seminar's success!

  8. I love your adaptions - it looks delicious! I too made cinnamon rolls today (from vegan brunch), however did not have the forethought that you did to make the dough the night before. Needless to say mine weren't enjoyed for breakfast :)

  9. good call on the PB! ;)

  10. Ooo, that looks almost like having dessert for breakfast!!

  11. Congratulations!

    The cinnamon rolls look great and I like your different flavour combination, so yummo!

  12. Congratulations on your exit seminar! That's awesome!
