
Tuesday, February 16, 2010


"Is that vegan?"

"It's RAW"!
(Oh I am just too funny.)

As a brief glance at this blog will reveal, I am not a raw foodist. I have the utmost respect for those who choose to eat fully- or high-raw diets, I'm just not convinced it is the only healthy way to eat, and I love me some cooked food. And since I'm vegan for ethical, rather than health reasons, I see no hipocrisy in the way I operate.

However. On a hot day, particularly if I'm cooking for just me, I do enjoy a bowl full of uncooked produce. We rarely have lettuce or leaves in the house, so these aren't necessarily recognisable as salads, but they are damn tasty.

Raw corn, tomato, and cucumber salad. If you have never tried raw corn, what are you waiting for? It is so delicious, Andy and I rarely eat corn cooked.

And there ain't nothing wrong with just fruit for dinner either. Particularly during mango season. Mango, apple, orange, banana, and cucumber. The cuke offered a fresh, clean alter to the sweet mango & banana and the tart orange & apple.


  1. You know, I post some scary-looking (definitely not raw :P)American foodstuffs on my blog, but the US also taught me to appreciate some veggies raw that I never would have thought to have that way before. Case in point, raw broccoli and cauliflower. I straightaway loved raw cauliflower, but it took a while for broccoli to start tasting good, rather than just "green", raw.

    So I'm now super keen to try raw corn! And summer fruit... *tears of missingness*

  2. "raw"---you jokester! fun post. i love the idea of adding cukes into a fruit salad to balance out the sweetness of it all with something crisp and clean. great pics!

  3. I haven't eaten much raw at all this winter, but these plates look really tempting. Thanks for the awesome dino photos, by the way! The replicas are super cool, especiallly that little feathered dude from the previous post.

  4. Hahaha! I love it! Oh, and raw fruit and veggies in summer are so good for a change. Hmm, mango...

  5. I think the more whole foods we eat the more raw we eat without even realizing it. Just think of all the salads,fruits,smoothies nuts and seeds we eat. All raw! I do love my cooked foods, I get how overcooking foods takes away alot of the nutritional value. There's nothing like a nice warm meal during the fall and winter season.

  6. Mmm, the mango dish looks so delicious and summery!

  7. Your raw fruits and veggies are making me so jealous! I can't wait for summer!
