
Monday, June 07, 2010

Mango ice cream

This photo is old now, but back in May Andy got some mango out of the freezer and made me ice cream. 

Mango, soy milk, and vanilla.  Without an ice cream maker, it was a complex process of stirring every hour or so to prevent ice crystals forming.  It was worth the work, because the end result was creamy and delicious.


  1. yum! i wondered about making ice cream without a maker....thanks for sharing!

  2. That looks ridiculously incredibly yummy. I've never even thought to try ice cream without an ice cream maker.

    You know what? That looks to me like the kind of ice cream you'd want around until death do us part. :D

  3. I didn't even know you could make ice cream without an ice cream maker! Last summer, mine was missing and I was sad. Now I've found it, but I wish I'd known. Looks delicious.

  4. That looks so freaking good! I love love LOVE mango!

  5. Ooo, that looks seriously good. I've been wanting to make my own ice cream but all that mixing and stuff without an ice cream maker puts me off.

  6. That looks delicious - makes me want to make some yummy homemade ice-cream!
