
Monday, August 02, 2010

Pizza Party

Andy and I have pizza pretty regularly -- like about once a week.  Lately, it seems that Friday night has positioned itself as pizza night in our house.  Our preferred base of choice is the pizza dough recipe from Vegan with a Vengeance, with the addition of an extra tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of gluten flour.  We just throw everything into the breadmaker, and then after the dough cycle is finished I stretch and throw the crusts (for real!) to get them nice and thin.  To avoid repetition, however, we mix up the toppings (and also because we often have limited veggies by Friday).  Here are a few of our recent pizza creations...

Here are two foccaccias -- caramelised onion and kalamata olive; and roasted garlic and herb.

Sauteed veggie pizza with tomato sauce.

Mexican pizza.  Instead of sauce, refried beans.  Topped with capisicum and tomato, and then guacamole when it came out of the oven.

BBQ Capsicum Lovers Pizza.  Tomoto sauce, red and green capsicum, and vegan pepperoni drizzled with BBQ sauce.

Cheesy garlic bread pizza.  To make this, mash together a whole head of roasted garlic, 1 T. margarine, 3T. olive oil, and 2T. nutritional yeast.  Season with salt and pepper, and spread onto the crust.  This is so yummy we always eat the whole thing, straightaway.

Two pizzas here: Broccoli; and Za'atar with fresh tomato.

Here's a close-up of the broccoli pizza.  Melty White Cheese from Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook and mince broccoli.  This was a bit of a throwback to the broccoli and mozzarella pizzas they served in my high school alongside cheese & pepperoni, and which I ate while convincing myself I was so sophisticated.

Thai Pizza -- peanut sauce, homemade tofu drizzled with a spicy soy sauce mixture, red capsicum and cucumber.

Roasted garlic and caper foccaccia.

This is a deep dish cheese & pepperoni with capsicum, and a tomatoey sauce underneath.  The pepperoni is one of our favourite ways to use okara (which I will post about soon).

And another Mexican pizza, this time with beans and corn, seitan chunks, capsicum and guacamole.

What is your favourite pizza topping?


  1. Eep, so many of my favourite flavours! Broccoli, capers, caramelised onions and olives, tofu and peanut sauce... Sometimes I can't remember why I never have any interest in pizza?! Silly me.

  2. We do a lot of pizza too, and usually Friday as well, what is it about the end of the week (beginning of the weekend?) I eat cheese so pizza is easy, but keep it simple. Grilled eggplant and basil and tomatoes is a favorite. Leftover spuds and yes!! a bit of broccoli is yum. My first broccoli and artichoke pizza was at Uni New Hampshire, and I thought 'those Yanks are pretty cool'.

  3. Hurrah for pizza! I don't make it often enough. I really should remember that I have a bread maker, and that it is excellent for effortless dough. ;)
    My favourite pizza toppings are potato and rosemary (plus or minus a little sheese) and tomato, sheese and olives. Nom.
    Your pizzas all look great... I particularly want to get my hands on the onion and olive one though. ;)
    Looking forward to hearing about adventures with okara!

  4. These all look incredible! We make pizza a lot, but yours are so much more thoughtful and gourmet than ours - we tend to just pile on every veggie (and fruit - pineapple is my favorite pizza topping!) our heart desires, pop it in the oven and call it a pizza. :)

  5. Your pizzas look yummy! We usually have pizza about once a week, too. They're so easy and so delicious. I usually prefer black olives, artichokes, pesto, and olives on my pizza. Potatoes, leeks, corn, broccoli, and pineapples are good, too. I'll have to try guacamole sometime.

  6. Your pizzas look great! And the focaccias look even better!

  7. wow!
    All that looks so good!
    Especially the roasted garlic and caper foccaccia.


  8. Those are some seriously amazing looking pizzas. I went through a phase of making pizza quite a bit but I haven't made one in ages (well, I've made them but not making the base from scratch so I wasn't counting those ones). Normally my toppings are whatever I have left in the fridge but I do like black beans and veggies like capsicum, mushroom and tomato...I guess I like the mexican toppings the best. But in the weekend I had an awesome pizza at a restaurant and they used vegan cashew aioli as the "cheese" and it was amazing so I'm going to have to try that.
