
Saturday, September 04, 2010

Curried Sausages

Townsville had a surprising cold snap recently, probably made more surprising because most of the winter was so incredibly mild.  Riding to uni when it's 12 degrees (that's about 54 F) and windy is not fun -- cold hands, cold ears, and cold lungs.  Luckily I have a nice hot shower waiting for me, a mere two doors down from my office, but this cold weather also had us craving nice hot food.

With a handful of homemade okara sausages in the freezer, Andy suggested we have devilled sausages.  This is a meal I have never experienced, and Andy has had only a few times, so we turned to the internet for advice.  But then I ended up not following a recipe at all, and the results were pretty delicious anyways.

Devil Casserole
1 T. rice bran oil
1 onion, cut into wedges
1 zucchini, cut into thick slices
1 capsicum, cut into chunks
2 t. fresh thyme
4-6 vegan sausages, cut into thick chunks
1 1/2 t. soy sauce
1 T. cider vinegar
4 t. flour
2 t. brown sugar
1 c. beef flavoured stock
1/2 c. tomato sauce (ketchup)
1 tin diced tomatoes

Heat a large cast iron skillet over medium high heat.  Add oil and onions, cook until onions start to brown, about 10 minutes.  Stir in thyme, reduce heat to medium low, and cook another 5 minutes.  Add zucchini, capsicum and sausages and cook until veggies are tender and sausage is slightly browned -- another 5 to 10 minutes.  Meanwhile, combine flour, brown sugar, and beef stock in a jug, whisking to remove all lumps.  Add this to the skillet along with the tomato sauce and diced tomatoes, bring up to a boil and then remove from heat.  Then move to the oven, at 180C/350F and bake for 40 to 45 minutes.

Of course, it's warm now that it's spring, and I won't be riding for probably another week because of my recent surgery, but that won't necessarily stop me from eating hearty winter food like this.


  1. Wow - that is legitimately cold, not just typical Queenslanders complaining about weather we Canberrans would jump at the chance to experience! ;)

    I've never had curried sausages either, most likely because of my mum's allergies, but I do like the sound of your creation. Seeing as it's raining constantly down here, such a warming dish would be lover-ly!

  2. You're not back on your bike already? :P
    I like curreid sausages. There is something warming about them. Though I didn't have yummy homemade sausages like you!
    Now go and rest. I am sure Nacho will help clean the dishes. ;)

  3. I like the casserole because it has kind of a pinkish color to it. I really try to get into eating beets but I just don't enjoy them. I know they have great health benefits so I add them to my juice in the mornings :)

  4. This looks wonderful! I'm going to try this soon, but I may make it in the crockpot, because I'm lazy like that. Thanks for the recipe :)

  5. I love how you say that it's warm now that it's spring. Wish it was the case here! We had a beautiful day on the first day of spring and then after that it's been rainy, windy and cold!

    But I so get what you're saying about riding in the cold. When I leave the house not long after 5am it's so cold I find myself riding as hard as possible just to warm up!

  6. I made this last night for dinner, and it was awesome! I had to modify it a tiny bit, because we didn't have a couple of things (subbed 2 little red potatoes for capsicum, used only 3 sausages), but basically followed the recipe here really closely, and it was totally delicious. Thanks!

  7. Yay, glad you liked it! And making it in a crockpot is a great idea.

  8. The casserole looks looks so good!

    Sorry about the cold, it's been a mild summer here in California, alot cooler than normal. blah!
