
Saturday, March 05, 2011

Friday Night Dinner.

The end of a long week.  A friend is preparing to head to the Amazon for a year, so there are drinks to be had.  Come home at nearly 9pm, not drunk by any measure but just not that inspired to cook.  Check cupboards, fridge, and freezer.  Inspiration: crumpets.  With ice cream.

In this case, candy cane & choc chunk ice cream.

Being a grown up isn't so bad sometimes.


  1. Oooh yum! Never had a crumpet before.

  2. Sounds delicious. The! Just traveling?

  3. Nice one!! Regrettably I usually roll in a little drunker than that so cereal is a good mainstay :)

  4. VeggieGirl - they're great! Sort of a cross between a pancake and an English Muffin, I guess...

    Aimee - PhD fieldwork for an anthropology project, about shamanism and archetypal images. A bit outside of my field, but very exciting for my friend!

  5. The frequency with which I eat toasted english muffins topped with ice cream for dinner is a little embarrassing... I used to think. Now, knowing that wonderful you does the same every now and agian, I feel proud as punch :D

  6. That sounds like a really interesting project!

    What a fine dinner, I like it. ;)
    Being a grown up does indeed rock sometimes.

  7. Hahaha! This is totally the kind of thing I do! Crumpets are awesome like that! I've never tried ice cream but I have tried jam and soy yoghurt which is one of my personal favourites or marmite and tomato.

  8. looks great...not bad for a quick meal.

  9. Oooh yum. I love love love crumpets. What brand do you buy? I haven't eaten them since the melted-butter-and-honey days :)

  10. You go girl. Haha! I love crumpets too!

  11. LOVE crumpets!!! and with ice cream- wow....

  12. Emma - I think these are golden something... or else Cole's brand. We buy them when they're on special and stick them in the freezer for moments like these :)

  13. Gauri Radha गौरी राधा7 May 2011 at 18:06

    Oooh, crumpets + ice-cream sounds like a very good combination. Kind of like an impromptu vegan ice-cream cake.
