
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fairy Princess

An Australian thing that I love the idea of is fairy bread. It's a thing that is common, I understand, at children's birthday parties. It is, essentially, bread with (vegan) butter and rainbow sprinkles. How is this not part of American cultural practice?

For my friend's 30th birthday, Andy and I contributed fairy bread (along with some hemp seed cinnamon rolls - which reminds me, you should enter that competition). It is a seemingly simple thing to prepare, but there is actually a trick to getting the sprinkles to stick.

Butter bread, put sprinkles on a plate or shallow bowl.

Dip bread, butter side down, into sprinkles.

Slice bread into triangles, removing the crusts if your crowd is picky.Stack artfully onto a plate.

And the real trick - let them sit around (covered, of course) for an hour or two before you eat them. The sprinkles kind of melt into the butter and the whole thing is much greater than the sum of its parts.

This is a birthday tradition I would like to see incorporated into more grown-up parties.


  1. I had never heard of fairy bread until this post. But what a cute idea for a treat! I know my kids will eat anything with sprinkles!

  2. that is so cool...I will try it theresa...thanks.

  3. I've never heard of this, but it looks so cute!

  4. ILOVEFAIRYBREAD. Ahem. It always has to be white bread (no point in trying to make this healthier!) otherwise it tastes weird. And always must be triangular. And the more marg and sprinkles the better.

  5. I would love it if someone brought this to a party I was attending :) Interestingly, I didn't love fairy bread as a child - I liked it more in theory than in taste - but I think that's because I've never really liked butter, and my fairy bread memories involve thickly spread butter or margarine. You've made me think I should try it with just a hint of Nuttelex. It would be fun, at the very least!

  6. It makes me cry inside to read people saying they didn't grow up with this at birthday parties (you included, Theresa.) You poor poor neglected children! WHY WON'T ANYBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!

  7. eeek at the risk of never being invited to parties - I don't like fairy bread!! heathen I know. Its something about the white bread - its the texture or lack of taste or something. at parties, I only like cake or pastry!!!

  8. I remember fairy bread from my days in Oz - it's an important part of any balanced diet!

  9. No don't leave the sprinkles to sink in! Eat them while still crunchy!

  10. How very interesting!! Looks yummy!
