
Friday, April 06, 2012

Cleaning out the Computer

In preparation for moving, Andy and I have been slowly clearing out our closets, shelves, and other storage spaces. We're giving away as much as we can, but some things are just not good enough to give away and they have made their way to the bin. Still, Salvo's has been rolling in a fair bit of our stuff. Likewise, we've begun the process of clearing out the kitchen, eating as much as we can from the pantry and freezer, rather than doing much shopping. Now also seems like a good time to clean out my photos from my computer, even though they won't take up any physical space, or need to be packed or unpacked, or make moving more complicated. But there is something cathartic about cleaning out old stuff, so I've been doing with photos what I'm doing with our stuff - throwing out the ones that are just not good enough, and the rest I post here, in this mish mash of random food photos.

Carrot salad with nigella seeds and lime juice.

Rice paper rolls filled with tofu, noodles, carrot & capsicum.

Fronch Toast made with Irish Soda Bread. Not as good as I hoped.

BBQ Seitan Ribs, lemon pepper green beans, American potatoes.

Hemp & sesame seed biscuits. Variation of a recipe from Celebrate Vegan.

Rambutan from the market.

Fried rice.

Fluffy maple banana pancakes.

Nachos with bean & veggie topping, and mango salsa.

Curried sausages with mashed potatoes.

Lime & Poppy Tempeh with chokoes and quinoa. Tempeh recipe from Urban Vegan.

Spaghetti con Salsa Fresca, recipe from Urban Vegan.

Black bean burger with guacamole.

Nacho on a shelf.


  1. Damn Nacho looks fat in that photo. Or just fluffy? ;)

  2. It looks like you've been having some great dishes! Those pancakes look incredibly fluffy and I'm intrigued by the help and sesame seed biscuits...I may need to give them a try :)

    Good luck with the clearing out, it's a hard task even as it's a cathartic one!
