
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hello Tika

A bit over a week ago, Andy and I went up to the RSPCA and picked up our newest family member: Tika, the sharpei x cattle dog (x other things, probably). We weren't necessarily planning on bringing a dog home after that visit, but when we met this darling, she was so clearly sweet natured, gentle, and perfect for us that we couldn't risk someone else snapping her up.

In the 10 days since we've had her, Tika, who is maybe 4 years old, has done a fair amount of sleeping.

She's extremely affectionate, and Andy, who has never had dogs before, has had to get used to being licked.

As she settles in, Tika's personality is coming through more and more. She's a bit of a goose, and she loves flopping down on her back and laying with her feet all up in the air.

On Sunday we took Tika to the river, where she was *so excited* and distracted by all the people running, cycling, rowing, and walking dogs. We sat outside the dog park for a while, and then went in - but we didn't let her off lead. (On her second day at home she had a bit of an, ahem, incident with my friend James's tiny dog, so we want to know she can peacefully play before we take that risk with strangers' dogs.)

And to answer the question on everyone's mind: how does bossy Nacho, who has a serious reputation around this city, get along with the dog? So far they have mostly stayed apart. Nacho is largely indifferent, sometimes angry, and sometimes accepting of the dog. They've sniffed each other a bit, but for now we're happy to encourage distance between them. The dog very clearly knows Nacho is at the top of our house's food chain!

She's still a little nervous about loud crashy noises, and movements that may be perceived as about to inflict violence, but overall she's settling in beautifully, and she is just what we all needed.


  1. Awww, she is gorgeous! I love the photo where she is on her back. Cats seem to get their noses out of joint when a new family member arrives but they always end up ruling. I wouldn't be able to visit the RSPCA without rescuing a pet either, sometimes we think we are ready for another dog and other times it still feels too soon.

  2. Oh, congratulations! How exciting - and it sounds like she has a great personality. I also love the photo of her on her back :)

  3. awwwww she's adorable! and i love the name tika! so unique! thanks for sharing!

  4. aw she is so cute and it's great that she's found a loving home :)

  5. I can't wait to meet her, I'll have to make a garden related delivery sometime as an excuse. When I am ready for another dog I'll have to start by phoning the RSPCA, because I die of heartbreak to go there, and I want to save them all!
