
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jervis Bay

Hi from Brisbane! I've just come back from the Green Edge with Amy, K & Toby, and Susan. But that's a story for another post. We've had a few crazy-busy weekends in a row. One of them involved a trip to the south coast for Andy's brother's wedding. Getting there was literally planes, trains and automobiles... we flew to Sydney, got (three) trains to Kiama, and then Andy's parents picked us up and drove us down to Huskisson, a very nice little town in Jervis Bay.
Kiama, on the way down the coast.
We stayed in Huski for two nights, and did a bit of sight-seeing around the area. It's a gorgeous place.

We went to nearby Hyam's Beach, which is apparently in the Guinness Book for having the whitest sand in the world. I don't know how it compares to, say, Whitehaven Beach in the Whitsundays, but a lot of my photos were over-exposed because it was so white.

On Thursday afternoon, we made a few salads - Andy's parents were in charge of food for the pre-wedding BBQ, so we helped out with a couscous & chickpea salad, and a pasta salad.

Then we went for a walk on the beach, where we found empty shark's egg shells...
Port Jackson shark egg

And where Andy got really excited over seaweed - his area of expertise now in his new job. We collected some Ulva intestinalis to make fresh seaweed salad, but it was gritty so we didn't eat much of it.

We looked around in the tidal pools, screeching at the icy cold water.

On Friday we left Huskisson and went deep into Booderee National Park, which is actually not in NSW - it's a federal territory - to the cabins where the wedding was. We went for more walks on the beach - this time, not in Jervis Bay, but on the open ocean side. It was windy, and cold, but really beautiful.
Sussex Inlet - a bit more protected but still chilly. 
Andy's brothers and their WAGs on Brewherre Beach.

The wedding on Saturday afternoon was just lovely. At the reception, there was a lolly bar (that's a candy bar in American-speak), which had plenty of vegan lollies. The vegan coconut ice was the hit of the night, but  the choc-PB cupcakes were good, as were the vegan marshmallows.

It was good to be catered for, but even better to see Andy's family, to be part of a beautiful wedding, and to get away from work for a few days!


  1. Oh! Look at that sun! That sun! We had snow flurries today...

  2. What beautiful photos - and I had no idea we had a national park that was federal territory! I love that it is though. Glad you had a good time away :)

  3. Those pictures are making me just a little bit jealous...!

    I love the idea of a lolly bar - especially the vegan marshmallows. How lovely to have so many vegan lolly options - I think I would have eaten myself into a lolly coma!

  4. Kari - it's a federal territory so that the government has easy access to a Navy port! There were some areas with restricted access because of it.

    Joey - I kind of did experience a lolly coma... I think everyone at the wedding did.
