
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale

In just a few weeks, Townsville Vegans will be participating in the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale.

I'm super excited for the chance to bake lots of things, raise awareness about veganism out in the community, and raise money for a worthy charity. I've started practicing some recipes to narrow down my baking contributions. One that is definitely settled so far is these Apple Walnut Cinnamon Scrolls. These are full of sugar, gluten, and cannot be classed as a health food by anyone's standard, which should mean they are a perfect candidate for winning over some staunch non-believers!

I'll also make these equally unhealthy chocolate peanut butter cupcakes with salted caramel drizzle, because they really impressed lots of non-vegans when I last made them.

But for the health conscious, I'm going to contribute some brownie balls. These are based on Hannah's amazing recipe, and they are really delicious. They're also gluten free, sugar free, and super easy to make!

If you're in Townsville, mark your calendars now - Willows Market on the 28th of April. If you're not in Townsville, check out the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale page to see what's happening in your area, or host your own! 


  1. That looks fantastic. Best of luck - if I was there, I would buy you out in a heartbeat.

  2. What an exciting event to participate in. I love the look of everything you're planning to make, and am intrigued at the thought of Hannah's brownies in ball form. Excellent idea!

  3. What an awesome event! I must check out if there's one in our area. Your contributions look awesome :-)

  4. Good luck with the bake sale! Your trial runs look great, I want your apple cinnamon scrolls more than anything.

  5. Hurrah! Oh, if only I could be at the bakesale...

  6. Go Townsville vegans! I'd definitely be queuing up at your sale to get some of those cupcakes. And brownies. And...

  7. Looks like you'll have something for everyone. They all look fab and vegans and omnis alike will be salivating and spending.

  8. Yay, we will be bake sale twins in different cities! :)
    The food looks great, can't wait to hear how it goes.
