
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Blogging Break

Ohai! You may have noticed from my absolute lack of posting that I'm not, you know, posting anymore. After 9 years of blogging, I kind of just need a break. I have really loved the community of vegans and other interesting people I have gotten to know, online and off, through this blog. Thanks to you all for your interaction and support over the years! I of course will leave everything here as an archive - I often use this site to find my recipes from the past, so I couldn't let that go!

I am still occasionally active on Facebook if you want to see food and/or garden photos, and the other social media that you can see on the sidebars - Flickr & GoodReads. So catch me there, or maybe I'll see you if I come back to this thing in the future.


  1. Enjoy your break! I'll miss your posts x

  2. I'll miss your posts but totally understand about needing a break! I shall be forever envious of you for growing your own bananas. All the best!

  3. You know I understand, support, and cheer you on for this. I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it's been for me, the past few months, to live my life without the constant underlying sense/guilt of needing to blog. Life is a wonder and a song and sometimes you just need to live it, purely for yourself. I am so grateful we both blogged and met each other through that, but here's to the next chapter (which could well involved more blogging down the track, but for now? Let's dance in the stars). xoxoxo

  4. I'm about 2 months away from doing the same thing, girlie (My cookbook contract requires me to blog until August 1). We need a sabbatical ;) See you on FB, etc

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