
Saturday, June 23, 2007

Food that Andy made me

I have a fair few food photos from the past two weeks, and a lot of them are things I didn't actually cook. Because I was at court all day, and then at meetings until 7 or so in the evening, Andy did a lot of cooking this past fortnight. Here are some of the wonderful things he made me, because I looked like this at the end of the day...

Bread rolls stuffed with leftover pasta sauce. The dough was a made up recipe of flour, water, salt and herbs, and on the top were BBQ sauce smily faces.

Here I am, chowing down on the bread...

Spinach sauteed with heaps of garlic, ginger, and zucchini and capsicum. Served over jasmine rice. This recipe is based on a spinach recipe from the new cookbook printed by Tofu Hound Press, The Alternative Vegan by Dino Sarma.

Another recipe from Dino's book, Venn Pongal. Andy also added vegetables to this, and a bit of tahini since we didn't have any cashews.

The Venn Pongal was served with Indian spiced flatbreads, a mix of two recipes: Cumin-scented sesame flatbread from Vegan Planet, and Roti from The Alternative Vegan.

Tofu and watercress with lemon-caper sauce, from Vegan Planet. Again, more veggies were added, and he used lime instead of lemon. A really tart, salty, interesting flavour combination.

Andy didn't do all the work, though. I did the washing up...


  1. You can both come stay with me ANY time! My Mr does neither the cooking nor the washing up so I get stiffed with both (thinking something is wrong with this picture...very wrong indeed).

    That food looks awesome! And how cute are you? Falling asleep at the table like that-lol.

  2. Ohh I have vegan planet but haven't tried that recipe, I will have to give it a try it looks great.

  3. Thise breadrolls looks interesting, I want to make them. Do you have a recipe?

  4. I agree - we need a recipe for the breadrolls....
