
Monday, June 25, 2007

Food that I made

This post will be much shorter than the last one, though now that court is done I've been cooking more often--but those pictures are still on my camera. Speaking of my camera, doesn't the new one take good pictures?! The thing I love the most is that it doesn't go through a pair of batteries in a day. Sony Cybershot, where have you been all my life??

Wholemeal spelt bread, with a rocket-pesto swirl. Rocket is a spicy Australian green, similar to (maybe the same as) arugula. Garlicky, spicy pesto inside of fresh hot bread is verrrry yummy.

Especially when served with a steaming bowl of split-pea soup. Andy was feeling sick, so I made some comfort food. Although I don't have a pressure cooker, this was still a pretty easy soup to make. Chop onions, carrots, and mushrooms. Cook. Add water, split peas, and barley. Boil, then lower heat and cover. Stir every now and then, and after about an hour it looks like this.

Another loaf of wholemeal spelt bread. This one is swirled with cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar and dried mixed fruit. A delicious breakfast when toasted.

Chocolate banana cake, fresh out of the oven. The stuff on top is chopped peanuts. Next time I think I'll swirl through a bit of peanut butter before I bake it.

Apple-cinnamon pancakes. We had a lot of apples from the markets, so I chopped them up in the mini-whiz chopper, and turned them into pancake batter.

All the steamy pictures are a good indication of how cold it was--last Wednesday, Townsville recorded its lowest daytime temperature ever. Thus, we have been eating lots of warming foods, lots of oven meals, and lots of heavy, carb-laden meals. I love winter food....


In the comments of my last post, a few people asked for the recipe to Andy's stuffed bread rolls. I asked him how he made them. "Water, flour, herbs, mix, voila". No leavening agent made for a really heavy, doughy bread roll. If I had to replicate them, I would take any old bread recipe, knead in some mixed italian herbs, and then roll out. In the centre, put a bit of leftover pasta sauce. Ours had borlotti beans, spinach, and lots of eggplant. Then roll the bread dough over, and seal up the edges with water. Then top with BBQ sauce smiley faces. Andy baked at "200 ish" until the outside was golden brown. Sorry I can't offer any more assistance, but good luck playing around with this 'recipe'!


  1. I'd ask you to post me that chocolate banana bread but seeing as it probably won't do so well in the mail (the postal workers may eat it) can you share the recipe? YUM!

    (All the food looks great but as usual my tastebuds seek out the junkiest thing on there).

  2. All the food looks great, but I especially liked the chocolate banana bread. That looks so yummy!

  3. The recipe is at home, but I'll bring it in tomorrow. It's easy peasy, and it has *no* weird ingredients, so it's a good recipe to share with omni's.

  4. I like the look of that spelt bread. I love spelt and I love rocket.

    Also, thanks for the 'recipe', I'll try making it this weekend when I have less things on my schedule, it looked so good!

  5. Chocolate banana cake/bread--

    1.5 c. flour
    1 c. raw sugar
    1/4 c. cocoa powder (I always add a bit extra)
    1 tsp. bicarb soda
    1/2 t. salt
    1 c. water
    1/3 c. vegetable oil
    1 Tblsp. white vinegar
    2 bananas, mashed up or blended

    Mix dry ingredients in a big bowl. Mix wet ingredients in a small bowl (including banana). Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients. Pour into greased loaf pan, or square baking dish. Top with crushed peanuts. Bake 40 minutes at 180 (350). Really yummy with chocolate frosting. Alternatively, you can leave out the banana and put in 1 tsp. of vanilla, or peppermint, or whatever flavours you want.

  6. Yay! I've put this in my pile of Make this ASAP recipes (which is sadly quite long so nothing gets made ASAP and more like eventually) but this is going near the top for sure. Yum!

  7. Hi Theresa,

    I'm new to posting--but have enjoyed reading your blog for a while. I wanted to ask if it would be ok to link to Tropical Vegan by including it in my 'favourites' list at my own (very new) blog. My email's at Thanks!

