
Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's official!

Remember how, despite all of the time spent in the rainforest and at the beach, how our recent trip to Cairns was actually to submit a permanent residency application?

This application that (as my facebook friends can attest to) gave me so much damn grief. This application that used a forest's worth of trees (I had to shift to a larger binder shortly after this photo was taken) and cost three months' pay. This application that had me getting chest x-rays, blood tests, and finger printed.

Well, five and a half weeks later, it's been approved! Yay! I feel like I should have a meat pie and a sausage roll to celebrate, but I've already got lunch and dinner plans so I'll have to save my Aussie feasting until Andy gets home in two weeks.

They even sent back the christmas cards and things we included with our application. Cool!


  1. Congratulations! That's awesome news :)

  2. it's good to see being began didn't preclude you from becoming a permanent resident - after all, isn't being vegetarian "UnAustralian"? Tee hee. :)

  3. began = vegan + bogan? ;)

    vegan food was actually a common theme in the stat decs our family and friends wrote, especially Andy's brothers who have gotten cookies etc in the mail... apparently it's one of the defining features of our relationship!

  4. Many congratulations Theresa, it is such a stressful time doing these applications! I have just completed mine for the UK (I am Australian- UK husband) and it was frankly terrifying. But, no blood tests or finger prints thank heavens. The hoops you have to jump through! And the forms were unnneccessarily confusing. I have 3 university degrees, and am a civil servant myself and i filled out the wrong form (which almost scuppered me) because I could not understand the language they used properly!

  5. Congratulations! That's great news.

    It is a major chore isn't it? A few years ago, my nephew's partner (now wife) went through the same process. We provided photos, statements, cards from both of them etc, to support her application (which was also successful).

    *Rubs hands over successful step in plot to get all the good Americans to move to Australia.*

  6. Terrific news! Glad it's all finally come through. :-)

  7. Congratulations! Had mild flashbacks of past red-tape mazes - good for you on getting through it all :)

  8. Congratulations! I have watched a couple of my friends go through the angst of this, one even just gave up and went home ot the UK. So I am really happy for you! :)

  9. congratulations!! thats wonderful! :)

  10. Congratulations! Sure it's great to have it done. :-)It was time-consuming enough to get the work visa for Peru, and that was only for a year. :-)

  11. congrats! it is such a long process (i still can't bring myself to get rid of the massive file because we put so much work into the application). i'm now almost a citizen--passed the test but i'm waiting for them to actually inform me of the citizenship ceremony i'm supposed to attend-- i was supposed to go to one a month ago but didn't know until i got a letter from immigration a couple weeks after the ceremony saying the noticed i didn't attend (why would i if they never actually told me i was supposed to be there?)
    congrats again!
