It's the two year birthday of the Tropical Vegan blog! When I started this blog two years ago, it was actually called the Travelling Vegan (hence the url), and I intended to document my journey to Australia and then to other exciting places... but I ran out of money and didn't get to many other exciting places! So I changed my focus to a vegan food blog that also discusses politics, life, and other things that I feel like discussing. It's been a fun two years of getting to 'know' lots of other bloggers, and even meeting a few in real life.
That's as gushy as I'm going to get here. Now, onto a few before and after photos from my trip.
Before I left, I had about 24 hours to mark 35 essays. They were only 500 word assignments, but they are by first year students and so some were very difficult to get through. The difficulty was exacerbated by Nacho, who decided the stack of essays looked mighty comfortable...
Luckily I got the essays done with plenty of time leftover to pack and get ready to go. I even had time to make some Tofu, spinach and soysage Canneloni in a mushroom cream sauce for dinner. Since the oven was on, we threw in some potato gems as well. The canneloni was good, but next time I think I'd leave out the soysage.
During my 9 day trip, Nacho turned 6 months old, and she had grown up noticeably when I came back. For starters, she was bigger. And she was able to jump to places she's never been before, like the top of the kitchen cabinets or the fish tank. This made for a bit of a headache for Andy, since the kitteh was trying to catch guppies and splashing water everywhere before I came home (heh, I'm glad he had to deal with it and not me).
I love coming home to my own kitchen, even when the fridge and cupboards aren't super stocked. For dinner the day after I came home I made a variation of 'African Sweet Potato and Peanut Stew' from Vegan Planet. Instead of sweet potato, I used a combination of pumpkin and regular potato, and I added some more spices. I really like this dish.
And for dessert, Andy made me a lovely carrot cake, an amalgamation of two recipes. The result was a gooey delicious cake full of crystallised ginger... yum!
And since I'm sharing news, I saw this article yesterday that I really liked. It talks about how a vegan diet can be the cheapest around. Granted, it was written by Peta so it's not like an 'unbiased' reporter has come to our side, but still. It's a well written article and it makes some very good points.
I'll post about my trip soon!
welcome back!!! happy two-year blog anniversary!!! keep your amazing posts coming!! :0D
Happy 2 year anniversary! Very nice. Also, thanks for the link on the cost of a vegan diet. I really get annoyed when people try to argue that a vegan diet is only available to well off folks.
Happy Blog-anniversary!!
Happy anniversary!!! And really, carrot cake with ginger? YUM! What could be better?!
Happy Anniversary! It's good to have you back! And my, hasn't little Nacho turned into an elegant looking young lady while you were away?!?! (She's still adorable).
Happy birthday, you toddler you! Thanks so much for the link to the article. It's always frustrating when people tell me, "I couldn't be a vegan because it's too expensive to buy all those substitute products."
Happy blog birthday! And many more years to come, I hope.
It's so much fun to watch animals grow up, isn't it?
I too love a good peanut soup. Cubed tofu is my favorite garnish.
Happy Bloggerversary!!! Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy it too.
Happy Blogiversary!
That Nacho is one adorable kitty.
Hey congratulations on your 2nd (Blogging) anniversary!
The food is always inspiring and your other stories are so interesting. I'm glad you've returned to share some more.
Looks like the cat got along just fine without you, I hope the fish survived the ordeal.
I've been reading up on community gardens and am sure that eating vegan can be quite affordable when supplemented with home grown.
Happy anniversary! That carrot cake looks so moist and yummy! And Nacho's getting in touch with his inner cat, eh? ;-P
Happy Blogaversary! And welcome back! And tell Nacho I say Happy 6 Months!
Wow, two years!! That's awesome!!
Nacho is so cute laying on your papers....
And nice job Andy on the carrot cake.
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