I bought my bike at a garage sale for $10. It’s too small for me. It squeaks. When we were changing a tire one day the back brake broke. It’s hot pink, and rusty. At first, I thought it was the bomb diggity. I felt so punk riding around on such a piece of trash. I didn’t even need to lock it up, because you’d be crazy to steal it.
But, with petrol prices going up, Andy was thinking about getting a bike to ride to uni. After looking around at a few shops, we both agreed it would be completely unfair for him to wizz around on a flash new bike while I chugged away on the old gal. We considered buying cheap bikes from Kmart or Toys R Us. But after a few conversations with Andy’s cycling-fiend brother, we decided we should get a proper, bike shop bike. Because, in some cases, you really do get what you pay for. Anyways, we both feel better about giving our money to a small, local bike shop rather than an American corporation.
And what a great decision it was. The guy at the bike shop spent probably 2 hours total talking to us about different types of bikes, the brands he liked best, what we needed it for, and you could tell he wasn’t trying to rip us off. We felt comfortable with him, and we liked the looks of the bike he suggested, so we ordered two of them--mine in 56 cm, Andy's in 60 (he's super tall).
Andy and I are now the proud owners of two Kona Dews (dew dew, heehee). It’s sleek, it’s sexy, and it’s so much easier to ride than my old beast of a bike. It's a commuter bike, so it has many features of a racing bike but without all the expensive extras. With tires that are designed for asphalt, and a frame that makes pedalling much easier, I envision a lot more bike riding in my future. And every time that Andy rides his bike is one less car ride.
In terms of petrol costs alone, it may take a while for these bikes to pay for themselves. But, when you factor in the health benefits (we both spend a lot of time sitting in offices at uni), environmental effects, and all those other unquantifiable benefits, I think we’ve got an incredible value.
And anyways, sometimes when you spend money, you get good deals. In addition to the bikes we got a helmet, lock, and pump all for half price, and our first service is free. All up, I think it was worth spending a bit of extra cash. But I’m still not paying $5 for veggie hot dogs.
Aw--congratulations, You dserve them--and you're right not to spend $5 on veggie dogs. The bikes will pay for themselves--and Mama Nature is thanking you.
Sweet! New bikes are an awesome investment and I'm with you - veggie dogs are overrated.
Happy peddling!
so glad that you treated yourself to a brand-new bike!! definitely better than veggie-dogs (blech)!!
Ooh congrats on the new bike!
It's super-pretty :o).
You'll love the bikes and they shall pay for themselves quite soon in spirit if not in fact... There's nothing like having a lovely new bike to tool around on...
Congrats! I'm sure it will be worth every cent.
awesome! i run with big bike fiends. Jared and his best friend ride all the time. Jared's looking for 60, cos he's super tall too. I have a pink cruiser style . . . I'm not as hardcore as most though.
Yay- happy new bike! I look longingly at mine and hope the ice and snow will give way to good biking weather soon!
Awesome! I was lucky enough to get my bike free from my brother-in-law who never used his. I have yet to use it 'cause the weather is disgusting around here right now, so I haven't even sat on it yet. I never even thought of how comfortable it'll be for me with all that height stuff. Uh-oh.
I really don't want to hurt my crotch riding around. Eeeee
Anyway, have fun with your new, sized-comfortably-for-you bike. :)
Cool Bikes! Now that I see them again I recall but didn't comment before.
Freedom of two wheels.
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